Friday, August 5, 2011

Mexico is very unhappy with how Americans voted what will happen next?

since when do we need to please mexico? why do we care what another country thinks of us? mexico seems to think just because they live under us, and their people are crossing into here, that they can have a say in what we do....mexico needs to shut the hell up, and if they dont like how americans voted in america.....then too bad....its our country, not theirs....if they dont like it then they can go to war with us, and we will take out "mehico" and end this crap once and for all........i have fought for america, so when i vote, its my choice, and i dont give a damn what "pablo" thinks of it....and another thing, how must it feel, to be the president of mexico, and your primary goal is to find a way to let all of your people into another country, because they all want to leave mexico and come here, because its so bad there...OH WAIT I KNOW!!!! BECAUSE THE PRESIDENT OF MEXICO WANTS ALL OF HIS PEOPLE TO BECOME U.S. CITIZENS, SO THAT WHEN THEY COME HERE, THEY CAN WORK AND THEN SEND MONEY BACK TO THEIR RELATIVES AND FRIENDS IN MEXICO, THUS BOOSTING MEXICOS ECONOMY....hmmmmm ...if yall dont see this then you all need help seriously...

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